Hello netizens! Welcome to dogblog. AKA my radicool dog house. Feel free to take a look around. As for me, Imma take a nap in a corner somewhere and then maybe get the zoomies and tear-ass around the place later.

Dogblog just got a huge rennovation! The site looked like this before. And before that it looked like this. Anyway, if anything is broken or ugly, let me know.

☘ Dress up my fursona! ☘

Music player code by Oddity Commoddity

Listen to the playlist on Spotify

To Do:

Make minecraft page

Set up Guestbook


My Button

If you like my site, feel free to link to me on your own with my button! You can hotlink if you'd like, I don't mind. If you want to trade buttons, shoot me an email and I'll put your button up on my links page.