Daisy's rating:

A's rating:

J's rating:

IMDb's rating: 7.3/10

Rotten Tomatoes' rating: 88%


Summary:"A family's home is haunted by a host of demonic ghosts." (from IMDb)


My Thoughts

My friends and I unanimously agree: Poltergeist is absolute garbage. Yes, it's a classic, and maybe our 2024 brains are too rotted out by TikTok and Video Games to possess the attention span necessary to enjoy this movie, but that doesn't make it any less shit. The scariest thing about Poltergeist is how fucking long and boring it is. It's less of a horror movie and more of a "don't get up and go do something else with your time" challenge. We completed the challenge but we did not reap anything at all from the experience. I can't believe IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes both place this movie among the rankings of An American Werewolf, which we watched directly before Poltergeist and loved. Poltergeist is dogshit and you shouldn't watch it. 3/10.


Date watched: Oct.3, 2023