My Canine Identity

It's not difficult to guess that a dog runs this website. Two words make up the URL. Dog Blog. It's a blog for a dog.

But, like ... that's kind of unbelievable considering dogs do not have certain biological features - such as fingers to type with or a brain with the capacity to understand language - necessary for writing and maintaining a blog or website.

So that conjures a question ... what the hell is the creature behind dogblog?!

Well, as you may have gathered (since you are very smart), I am actually a human "u_u. A featherless, hairless biped, yes ... but really I identify much more with the canine family than hominid.

You see, I'm somewhere between a doglike person and a personlike dog. I think I could be classified as either ... or maybe both at the same time ... but I leave it open for others to make up their own minds about what I am.

In case you don't believe that I'm a housepet at heart, I've created a comprehensive list of all of my doglike traits. Maybe not all of them, actually ... I realize more and more as my stupid puppy life progresses. Well, enough yapping. Here's:


  • I love to chew on things
  • I love to play
  • My favorite place is outside
  • I am very loving
  • I am very trusting
  • I am loyal to a fault
  • I think it's fun to get dirty!
  • I would follow those I love to the end of the earth
  • I looove treats :3
  • I am omnivorous but I love to eat MEAT!
  • I wag my tail when I am happy
  • I understand my animal friends more than people ...
  • But I love people!!
  • I don't really understand human social conventions
  • But I understand "sit" and "stay"
  • And "heel"
  • I tend to latch on to one person
  • I would do anything for my owner
  • I lick the hand that beats me
  • I have sharp teeth
  • I like to eat out of my special bowl!
  • I also love cuddles >_< What do you mean I'm too big to be a lapdog?
  • I am very outgoing
  • I am very energetic!
  • I feel connected to my wolf ancestors ... !!!
  • On that matter, I belong in the woods
  • I feel close to death at seventeen years old
  • I am cute and silly :3
  • My hair is very soft
  • And like probably a bunch more stuff that I'm not remembering right now

  • But I hope you can understand a bit more clearly

  • How a dog is capable of running a website

  • :3
