Oct. 14, 2023



Hello world. It's my first entry.

I'm still trying to figure out what I actually want to do with this site; what I actually want to use it for. Sometimes I think I'd like to use it as a diary sort of blog, then other times I think about running a crochet blog, yet other times I feel like I want to start a webcomic.

I think... I'm going to start to upload whatever I feel like, whenever I feel like, to dogblog. That's what I really intended for it to be like when I first started coding the site. The idea of consistently updating the blog with entries is what's left me paralyzed with my blank website for the past few months.

So, this is it, I guess. Dogblog entry one. I've really got nothing much to say at all. But finally there's something here! One measly link to click on!

hand-drawn, energetic puppy emoji