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❀ Welcome to my DogBlog ❀

Hi I'm daisy and I'm a dog with a blog. Actually I guess it is more of a "personal website" since I don't actually write blog posts that often. I really like making webpages and playing around with CSS/HTML! Everything here is experimental which is why you will find many different aesthetics across my site :3. If you have any questions or you want to talk, contact me by email. My address is daisyfennec@gmail.com

Some of my webpages play music! Make sure autoplay is enabled for this site for the full dogblog experience!!

Sign my guestbook!

★ Newest Webpage: My GIF Animations

About me:

  • Teenage girlthing
  • Furry
  • Almost an artist sometimes
  • Enjoyer of the internet and its culture
  • More about me here

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❀ Video of the Week ❀

Week of 02/25/23: girl you need a shot of b12

Video of the Week archive

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My name is
My gender is
asexual, androdyke, biogirl, canine, celibate, chapstick, cunt, dogirl, fetishist, furry, genderfuck, homoblivious, in transition, metamorph, misrepresented, misunderstood, neutered, other-gendered, otherkin, platonic, sexless, suicidal, transspecies, treehugger, virgin, wannabe, woman-loving wizard
What's yours?