Nov. 02, 2023

Happy Birthday!



Today I am turning seventeen years old. O_o woof! That is pretty old for a dog like me!

I always feel kind of weird on my birthday. I've been a complete nihilist since my early childhood and birthdays just make me think about dying and the passage of time and suff. I'm also really awkward about recieving presents; I've never understood the correct way to react or express gratefulness, and it actually stresses me out a lot. So even when I was a pup I never really enjoyed my birthday very much.

As I keep getting older, though, I never really change. Things just keep happening the same way, over and over again, all the time. Even the stand-alone things like birthdays. It becomes routine enough. I can just ignore the existential dread and the reaction anxiety at this point, and this year I'm letting myself have a little bit of fun. I'm letting myself enjoy the attention! Woof!

I know that eventually (when I'm absurdly old for a dog) my birthday will probably become like a plain-old-nothing day that I don't even think about. The [human] adults I know don't really do much about their birthdays, sometimes it's a little sad, but I don't think it'll be sad for me. I think that when my birthday is a plain-old-nothing day it'll be peaceful for me, in a way. Just speculating, though.

However! When I'm a grotesquely absurdly old age for a dog, secretly I hope I can be like grandma, who takes a birthday trip by herself every few years and brings back a variety of fabulous items for the grandkids and for the pets! Woof!

I hope my mom got me a bicycle.

My old one disintegrated in the Hot Hot Arizona Sun years ago.

"How can a dog ride a bicycle?!" Clearly you know nothing of the capabilities of a modern canine!!! Get with the program! Woof woof!!

hand-drawn, energetic puppy emoji

If there are any of my birthday twins reading, happy birthday!!!