Hi dogblog nation. Woof woof arooooo and all that.

I haven't been updating my site much lately. Frankly school has been kicking my ass. And just life has been kicking my ass it is kind of hellacious lately. I haven't had time to do things that make me happy like draw furries and write blog posts and crochet wizard garb. Or motivation.

Now I am on spring break for the whole week and I do have time and I have been drawing so many furries and I have felt the soothing warmth of Joy again for the first time in like so long. For like the past .... 1 days. Saturday was SAT and I feel like I did really shit on it. Sunday was my good day I was fucking thriving and today is Monday. Woof Monday sucks even on spring break. I was doin' great for a while like waggin' my tail and shit I drew my furry art on a youtube stream. You know. Having a good day like one tends to do on spring break. But then. BUT, then, everypony. But then. It was revealed to me. Through means of a PREVIOUS coworker. That fucking the female staff for the summer I USED TO work at is FULL for the summer. And guess who. Was in the process of references for said job. OR IN OTHER WORDS NOT HIRED? That is right, dogblog nation. Me. Fuck my life.

I think I've written about camp a little bit before here on dogblog. I don't even want to talk about it right now but it is veryyyyyyyy important to me and my tachycardic doggy heart. Okay. Like my childhood and adolescence is sooo camp. Frankly. And now! What the hell! What am I even going to do this summer! I am going to stay home and be alone and sleep. It's so over for me. It is so over, dogblog nation.

Like this blog post is so stupid I am just whining like a bitch But at least I am self aware. I suppose it's just a genuine life update since I haven't really written one in a while. Mayhaps it seems stupid but my will to live has taken a serious blow because of this, actually. I don't really know what to do with myself. Probably I will draw furries and post them on my twitter except instead of feeling joy I will feel an empty pit of despair where my chest once was.

It's sooo over.


EDIT: I actually got hired This is sooo awesome guys