Jan. 19, 2024



I hate the prevalence of AI-generated images in the past year or so.

I hate them for all of the nuanced reasons, of course -

The commercial use of AI-generated art is making it harder for actual artists to be hired for corporate and freelance design work,

AI image generators run on massive databases of stolen content,

And the rise of AI "artwork" trivializes art and human creativity in general.

But honestly above all else, I just fucking hate seeing AI-generated images everywhere. It is so FUCKING ugly. Even the "better" pictures are just genuinely difficult to look at. And it seems like nobody else notices it???? But, god, SO many of the images I'm seeing used in advertising, seeing in online search results or on social media, seeing used for product photos - the list goes on - they're AI-generated and looking at them for more than half a second starts to give me a headache.

Sometimes my family members or friends will send me an image or show me an image and they're like, "look at this it's so cool," thinking (or perhaps pretending) it's a real picture??? I don't understand how everyone is just so Okay With this shift in our media and culture. To me it's unnerving and honestly all this AI bullshit is so dystopian. It makes the world so bleak. I miss art.


I miss art.


I'm tired.