Jun. 08, 2024 - 11:50PM



Hey Dogblog Dot Neocities. It's been a while.

You may have noticed I've archived all of my previous blog posts. :P I just wasn't happy with my blog and I didn't want them up anymore. And I'm in a new era. My Summer Camp era. I work at a summer camp and it's awesome and sometimes shitty and I lowkey want to keep note of my experiences and shit. I'm a counselor, the camp I work at is a sleepaway camp. So I work 24h/day pretty much ^_^ (yes, even when I am asleep :D).

It's a lot. But it's also really rewarding and I absolutely love it. I get to see trees. Real trees. And I get to climb rocks and go on walks. And I get to change kids' lives and shit which is pretty rad.

If you're well-versed on the Daisy Fennec lore, you'll know that I'm working at my favorite place on the planet. So like yeah I don't know I'm thriving and I'm happy and whatever. For the most part.

But. God, it's nonstop! On the weekends we get ~24h off. It's like midnight right now and I was out all day and eeurrugh I'm here right now because I desperately needed By Myself Digital Activity time. I'm looping a cool song my coworker showed me In My Headphones (lot of speaker usage lately, not a lot of "Playing Music I Like in my Headphones" time). And I drew a furry (pictured at the bottom of the page). And yeah I just needed to like type something.

I think I'm too tired to actually write about anything, but so much has happened. I've been up here for three weeks now: one week of training and two with kids. Shit's crazy at work and shit's crazy outside of work, too. I want to write about every week as it happens but I seriously just have so little time. That's what the next blog entries in this Summer Camp series will be like, probably. Digital debriefs on the shit I do and deal with every week here :-).

Miss you, Dogblog. Miss my cat. Miss my friend(s).

But I'm a happy camper!"

sketch doodle of a scraggly fennec fox character. They look tired or mildly upset.