Muse Ariadne - 03 - 02/25/24

"fuck salvador dali for being evil. that said, write a piece inspired by two famous dali paintings-- persistence of memory and the elephants. consider exploring movement, slowness/speed, heat/cold, and warped sensations."


Everything was so normal and so boring a few moments ago

And suddenly my eyes can't catch up with my body,

My skull is a sprawling and desolate cave,

Where sounds bounce about and echo off the walls.

You sit there on the couch

So stiff and rigid,

With the appearance of focus and worry,

Dispelling long strings of words out into the ether.

And before I know it I'm sitting next to you

Freaking the fuck out, honestly,

Unable to face what I've been feeling this whole time,

The deception that is the human experience.

Peaking over your shoulder

I know you shouldn't be talking to her like that,

But I can't do anything to stop you for now,

I can't even speak.

And before I know it I'm falling into you

I'm being really fucking weird, honestly,

As I'm clutching loosely at your waist,

The only thing in the world that's real.

I stay attached only for a small moment

Because I know you don't want me there,

My face pressed into your back,

Vision consumed by the pattern on your shirt.

And then I pull myself up by a thread

And face the horror of sensation once more.


Thanks for reading, anyone.

Now you've seen another piece of my mind. See you when next week's prompt is out.

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